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NuFerm is a brand focused on promoting a healthy lifestyle through nutritional support and environmental awareness. Their goal is to bridge the gap between unhealthy and healthy by strengthening the immune system with natural and organic supplements, promoting gut health and reducing environmental factors. The brand offers a range of products for general well-being, including nutritional supplements, home products and educational resources for increased learning. They take pride in the quality of their products, which have undergone thorough testing and trial stages before being made available on their online store.
The founder of NuFerm, Don Chisholm, is a No Reason For Disease doco-film Director, best-selling health author and international speaker. His dedication to educating people on the importance of gut health stems from his own struggles with illness. Chisholm firmly believes that we are not what we eat, but what we absorb. In his book, Have You Got The Guts To Be Really Healthy?, he highlights the importance of maintaining good gut health, proper hydration and ensuring nutritional compounds reach cells for effective bodily functioning.
NuFerm has made it their mission to emphasise the need for effective hydration, maintaining healthy gut bacteria, and getting proper nutrition to cells. The brand encourages consumers to take charge of their health by providing valuable resources and support. NuFerm's Gut Hotline is available to answer questions on general well-being or find the source of illness. The brand takes pride in providing nutrition from nature which is wholefood ingredients and minerals sourced directly from the environment, without artificial or modified components. Their products are also gut-friendly, delivering active, viable bacteria to support healthy digestion and general well-being.
At Natural Chemist, we are proud to offer NuFerm's high-quality, all-natural products that are beneficial for health and well-being. We believe in their focus on promoting gut health and whole-body wellness through education, support and superior nutrition. Using NuFerm products may help one achieve optimal health and well-being, with results guaranteeing the effectiveness of the products. Natural Chemist is excited to partner with NuFerm in providing natural health solutions for anyone seeking a holistic approach to well-being.