Balances the woman within. Finding it hard to express and enjoy your true feminine self; to feel emotional contentment, to be creative, carefree and free to express your affection and libido…?Why not let Mother Nature help you to recapture your inner essence?
Spray around pubic area, sacral vertebrae, and navel area six times per day. The healing affect of this essence combination builds so it needs to be used on a daily basis and not only when symptoms are present.
Balances the woman within. Finding it hard to express and enjoy your true feminine self; to feel emotional contentment, to be creative, carefree and free to express your affection and libido…?Why not let Mother Nature help you to recapture your inner essence?
Spray around pubic area, sacral vertebrae, and navel area six times per day. The healing affect of this essence combination builds so it needs to be used on a daily basis and not only when symptoms are present.