Habits of happy (and healthy) people

As we enter the months where our immunity is pushed to it’s limits with bugs galore raining in from every which way, here’s a few happy ways to boost your immunity.

Positive thoughts, habits and your attitude all prompt changes in your body that strengthen your immune system, boost positive emotions, decrease pain and chronic disease, and provide stress relief. One study even showed that these positive actions were associated with a lower risk of heart disease.

Even more good news…it has now been scientifically proven that happiness can alter your genes! Happiness and a feeling of wellbeing leads to lower inflammatory gene expression and heightened antiviral and antibody responses. How amazing…what a great reason to smile and see the good in life

Those good feelings have healing effects on everything from the flu to immune-disorders, to the healing of injuries and recovery from surgery.

So what are the habits of happy (and healthy) people? It’s all about the GREAT DREAM!

  • Giving: do things for others
  • Relating: connect with people
  • Exercising: take care of your body
  • Appreciating: notice the world around
  • Trying new things: keep learning new things
  • Direction: have goals to look forward to
  • Resilience: find ways to bounce back
  • Emotion: take a positive approach
  • Acceptance: be comfortable with who you are
  • Meaning: be part of something bigger

A happiness diet

A healthy gut leads to a healthy mind. The brain and stomach have very regular ‘chats’ via the vagus nerve, so what goes on in your gut has an impact on what goes on in the brain. With over 2kgs of bacteria in your gut controlling the communication pathway, we need to make them friendly so they can spread that happy message! A good probiotic can really helps, as well as the happy foods below.

Happy foods

Chocolate (obviously!)However, we mean the dark stuff (70%+ cocoa content) and in moderation. Full of polyphenols which boost mood Chilli The capsaicin in chilli has the brain release endorphins which are the calming hormones in our body
CaffeineThis gets better right!

Again in moderation (1 per day) – caffeine increases dopamine which lifts mood, increases confidence and focus. It’s also full of antioxidants – helping your body get rid of some of the unwanted chemicals produced in metabolic reactions

Shiitake mushrooms and sunflower seeds Full of selenium, magnesium, iron and zinc – all ‘happy brain’ nutrients. Low levels of all of these nutrients have been found to increase symptoms of anxiety and depression
Fresh fish: Omegas in salmon and other fish has been shown to have a positive effect on depression and cognitive decline. Known as one of the key ‘brain foods’, fish oil is a great mood food. WalnutMother Nature’s very own multivitamin: it contains a wealth of trace minerals, macronutrients and vitamins, including magnesium, copper, iron, manganese, zinc, calcium, omega 3s,vitamin E, folate and other B vitamins. Vitamin E eases brain inflammation and protects neurons, all having a positive effect on mood.
Eggs Full of many happy nutrients including Vitamin D often called the happiness vitamin (maybe the link with sunshine helps too), zinc and B12 Apricots Packed with B6 – another mood vitamin, as well as antioxidants which are linked with better moods

At the Natural Chemist, we have a team of experts who can give you help and advice on a healthier outlook and planning a happy diet. Call us on: 1300 882 303 to book yourself an appointment.

Go on, give us a smile!





Hechtman L, 2014, Clinical Naturopathic Medicine. Churchill Livingstone, Sydney

Osiecki, H, 2014, The Nutrient Bible, 9th Edn, BioConcepts Publishing, QLD

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