Health News

Understanding Perimenopause: How Naturopathy Can Alleviate Symptoms

Understanding Perimenopause: How Naturopathy Can Alleviate Symptoms

Perimenopause – it's that transitional period before menopause when a woman's body starts to change. These changes, driven by fluctuating hormone levels, can bring about a variety of symptoms, from hot flashes to mood swings. But hey, don't let this phase get you down. Naturopathy, a holistic approa
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How Naturopathy Can Help Recurrent Vaginal Infections: A Holistic Approach

How Naturopathy Can Help Recurrent Vaginal Infections: A Holistic Approach

Recurrent vaginal infections like bacterial vaginosis (BV) and thrush are not only uncomfortable but can also disrupt daily life. While conventional treatments can provide temporary relief, many women seek a more holistic, long-term solution. This is where naturopathy comes in. Naturopathy focuses o
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